
Lloyd’s and FERMA are offering a second training programme for European risk managers following its successful launch in 2011. Starting on 25 April 2014, the programme will cover:

  • Insight into emerging risks
  • An overview of the Lloyd’s and London market including an opportunity to shadow a Lloyd’s broker and underwriter at the box.
  • Lloyd’s approach to risk appetite and management.
  • Exposure and performance management
  • International insurance regulations
  • Claims management
  • And, of course, networking with brokers, underwriters and colleagues

There will be three two-day sessions in total. They will all take place at Lloyd’s, One Lime Street, London.
The requirements are

  • Three to five years risk management experience
  • Member of a FERMA association
  • Written and spoken business English skills

Interested? There is still time to apply. Applications remain open until 31 January 2014.
Go to for more information. Send completed applications and any questions to Florence Bindelle at The selected candidates will be announced at the end of February.