
AGERS (Spain)

AGERS - Asociación Española de Gerencia de Riesgos y Seguros

AGERS held a workshop with the Asociación de Empresarios de Alcobendas during which a panel of experts analysed, from a legal, business and insurance perspective, the implications of the timetable for the establishment of obligatory financial security against environmental impairment set out under Ministerial Order ARM 1783/2011.

Directors and officers and their liabilities will be the subject of a course on 30 November and 1 December. With many insurance programme renewals coming up at the end of the year, AGERS will hold a seminar to consider the issues on 16 November in Madrid with a risk managers’ session in the evening.

Airmic (United Kingdom)

AIRMIC – The Association of Insurance and Risk Managers

Airmic is working on a number of projects and has this year produced several reports. The one that was most extensively reported in the UK media was Roads to Ruin, which was produced for Airmic by the Cass Business School. It looks at 23 high-profile corporate crises, the circumstances leading up to them and the ‘risk blindness’ that contributed to them.

The association also produced a guide to the compliance of global insurance programmes and another on disclosure requirements under UK insurance law.

Current research projects include cyber risks and an evaluation of the terms of service level agreements with brokers. Airmic is also in discussion with leading insurers about a model contract wording to reduce the impact of what members regard as the excessive disclosure obligations placed on buyers under UK law.

For more information on Airmic’s role in the creation of a shared insurance compliance database, see this post.

Airmic will host its annual dinner on 30 November in London.


AMRAE (France)

AMRAE – Association pour le Management des Risques et des Assurances de l’Entreprise

The 20th Rencontres, AMRAE’s annual forum, will take place from 8-10 February 2012 in Deauville. Registration is open on the AMRAE website.


ANRA (Italy)

ANRA – Associazione Nazionale dei Risk Manager e Responsabili Assicurazioni Aziendali

Economist Nassim Taleb, author of the Black Swan and Fooled by Randomness, will participate by video link in the ANRA annual conference on 9 November in Milan. The subject of the conference will be ‘Back to Insurance – which solutions in a less secure world’. Other speakers include Axel Theis, CEO of Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty; Paolo Vagnone, Country Manager of Assicurazioni Generali; prominent Italian sociologist Enrico Finzi and the CEOs of three brokers and three insurers.

During the conference ANRA will announce the publication of a position paper on ISO 31000 and the risk management process.

ASPAR CZ (Czech Republic)

ASPAR CZ – Asociace specialistů pojištění a řízení rizik České republiky o.s

A one day seminar on practical examples of claims handling to be held at SKO-ENERGO Mlada Boleslav on 10 November is the next event for ASPAR CZ. There will be a members‘ meeting on 6 December.

BELRIM (Belgium)

BELRIM – Belgian Risk Management Association

On 2 October, BELRIM held its traditional Belgian evening during the FERMA Forum in Stockholm. In the impressive atrium of the National Museum of Sweden, 144 key members of the Belgian risk management and insurance community gathered for a most enjoyable evening.

The Chairman of BELRIM, Gaëtan Lefèvre, welcomed members and sponsors and pointed out the challenges that lie ahead in mitigating the impact of Solvency II on commercial customers and the need for partnership as the only way to develop balanced relationships between customers, brokers, insurers and also loss adjusters.

Sarah Adam received her prize as the laureate student from the FERMA Director of Education, Edouard Thys. Her research covered risk management in small and medium sized companies.

BELRIM is organising numerous activities in the coming months, including a seminar on risks linked to travel on 16 November and a cocktail for members on 2 February 2012.


DARIM (Denmark)

DARIM – DI’s Risk Management Forening

DARIM will celebrate its 25th anniversary on 2 February 2012. It will announce plans for an event later. In the meantime, the association will hold a Christmas meeting on 6 December.


IGREA (Spain) and APOGERIS (Portugal)

APOGERIS – Associação Portuguesa de Gestão de Riscos e SegurosIGREA – Iniciativa Gerentes de Riesgos Españoles Asociados

These two associations have collaborated with Commercial Risk Europe to organise a conference on risk frontiers in Latin America on 8 November in Madrid. The half day seminar will discuss how risk managers can achieve cost effective and compliant coverage in such fast changing markets as Brazil and Argentina. FERMA President Jorge Luzzi, who has long experience of risk management in Latin America, will be a speaker.


NARIM (Netherlands)

NARIM – Nederlandse Associatie van Risk en Insurance Managers

NARIM celebrates its 15th anniversary on 3 November by getting together at the general assembly that will be held at Tata Steel in Ijmuiden. Arnout van der Veer, a member of NARIM and board member of FERMA, will deliver a lecture on enterprise risk management, and there will be an excursion by bus at the Tata Steel site.

SIRM (Switzerland)

SIRM – Swiss Association of Insurance and Risk Managers

SIRM’s annual forum will take place on 8- 9 November at Pfäffikon. The subject will be cyber crime and cyber security.