
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has announced the first six education bodies to receive accreditation for its professional certification rimap®. Accredited education programmes in risk management, certification examination and continuing professional development are the corner stones of this new rimap® professional recognition programme for risk managers in Europe developed by FERMA.


Rimap Accredited

FERMA President Jo Willaert commented: “Education is one of the three priorities of my term as president. Having rimap® accredited education programmes is a building block in our long term initiative to place risk management firmly among the professions. I am delighted with the support we have received from the member associations who have worked closely with FERMA and the education bodies to achieve this first set of accreditations. Others will follow.”

The Chairman of the rimap® steering committee, FERMA board member Michel Dennery, added: “We believe we are at the beginning of a European network in risk management education. Beyond the need for increasing the skills and competences of risk managers, the FERMA rimap® initiative is now supported by the world of education.”

The six risk management programmes “rimap® accredited” are:

  • Belgium : ICHEC Formation Continue – Diplôme en Risk Management, supported by BELRIM


  • Finland : University of Tampere – “Master’s Degree Programme in Business Studies – Specialization in Insurance and Risk Management”, supported by FINNRIMA


  University of TampereRisk Management


  • Italy : ANRA – ALP (ANRA Learning Path), developed by ANRA



  • Malta : University of Malta – “Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Insurance and Risk Management (B.Com. (Hons)”, supported by MARM

University of Malta




  • Poland : POLRISK – “Certyfikowany Zawodowy Menedżer Ryzyka – Certified Professional Risk Manager”, developed by POLRISK

Poland Akademia

  • Sweden : Stockholm School of Economics Executive Education – “Risk Management Diploma”, supported by SWERMA








Education Body: a provider of a risk management education programme. This is not limited to universities, business schools or higher schools. Any Education Body who offers specific risk management education can apply for a rimap© accreditation if it meets the requirements set by FERMA based on the “rimap© Body of Knowledge”.

Accreditation: process used to acknowledge that an education provider’s programme meets the risk management education requirements set by FERMA based on the “rimap© Body of Knowledge”. Who can apply for Accreditation: universities, higher schools and those who offer specific risk management education.