As chair of the judges of the annual British Insurance Awards, I am often sorry that more risk managers do not enter for their category. With entries now open for the 2015 awards, I want to encourage my colleagues in the UK and those from the rest of Europe with material UK interests to enter or nominate a colleague. It is open to any risk manager or risk management team involved in designing and implementing an enterprise risk management programme and/or insurance programme within an organisation, this award is presented by AIRMIC.
I would also like to see risk managers coming forward with their colleagues for other suitable award programmes throughout Europe.
We agree universally that we want to raise awareness of the professionalism of risk management. FERMA’s project to launch Certification of Risk Managers this year is a major step in that direction, but it is not the only thing we can do. As individuals, we can take opportunities, such as risk and insurance awards organised by respected organisations, to highlight good professional work in risk management. By taking part, we help to ensure the awards judges can have a good field of entries, so that they can pick someone who has done truly outstanding professional work. We may also have some excellent case studies from the award entries from highly regarded risk practitioners, that with their permission, we might publish.
For the individual risk manager, preparing a submission is likely to come as a pleasant surprise as he or she realises just how much they have done professionally. And is any organisation likely to be disappointed when one of its people wins recognition from professional and industry experts for his or her work?
For more on the British Insurance Awards and on how to enter, see:
The deadline is 20 March.