Andrew Kendrick, President of ACE European Group and Enrico Moretti Polegato, CEO of Diadora gave young risk professinals an insight in the steps they made in their career, what they faced and when they stood out in order to rise.
Also both addressed the way in which Ace and Diadora looked, addressed, motivated and gave space to young professionals and their needs and wants.
This session was organized by a dedicated team of Young InSurance, UGARI, SIRM and NARIM.
A LinkedIn group on “Young Risk Professionals”, created and supported by FERMA aims at providing a virtual platform for discussion and networking for Young Risk Professionals worldwide. We look forward to raising awareness around Risk Management and the need for collaboration across industries and countries.
This LinkedIn group serves Risk Professionals under 35 years of age, and provides a platform for discussion and networking as well as links to relevant insights and interviews. We aim to raise awareness of Risk Management, and show the benefits of collaboration across industries and countries. This group, for experienced Young Risk professionals and aspiring students alike, provides the opportunity to share insights and experiences of working in Risk Management, as well helping build a vision of the industry’s future.
We would love you to join the group: on LinkedIn the top right hand corner, search Groups for “Young Risk Professionals” or click here: