
With more than three months to go to the 2012 Seminar, FERMA had already received more than 180 registrations and the number is expected to rise substantially between now and the event on 22 and 23 October. This year is already remarkable for the wide geographic spread of risk managers attending; one comes from the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic and another from Jamaica.

Not surprisingly, the largest number of registrations so far comes from FERMA’s large French member association AMRAE, but ANRA, Airmic, BELRIM, and NARIM are also well represented.

The seminar is an exclusive event for risk managers with the exception only of a small number of sponsor service providers. The heart of the programme is the announcement and discussion of the results of the biannual FERMA Benchmarking Survey.

Michel Dennery, FERMA Vice President and board member responsible for planning the seminar, said: “I am delighted with the response. The seminar will be a very exciting event and a wonderful venue for networking as well as an opportunity to discuss the results of the survey. Join us.”

The programme to date is available on FERMA Seminar 2012 page.

Members of FERMA associations should already have received invitations to attend with a link to registration. If you have not and you are a risk manager, send a request with your name, business title, company name and country using our contact form.