There are now more than 100 holders of FERMA’s European risk management certification, rimap, and that number is likely to at least double in 2019. The risk management community increasingly appreciates the value of certification. 80% of the respondents to the FERMA European Risk Manager Survey 2018 indicated that a recognised certification in practicing risk management would be beneficial.
FERMA has ambitious plans for the development of rimap certification in 2019, including a professional and digital marketing campaign to reach individual risk professionals across Europe and an update of examination books 1-4 to reflect ISO and COSO reviews.
The focus in 2018 has been on the development of the continuous professional development programme (CPD), which is an essential element of rimap lifelong learning:
21 associations participated in the CPD event calendar of national associations, creating more than 100 days of risk management education opportunities.
Eight associations (AGERS, AMRAE, ANRA, FINNRIMA, BELRIM, MARM, RUSRISK, SWERMA) received accreditation for their risk management education programmes, demonstrating alignment with the rimap body of knowledge.
Preparation courses for the rimap exam are operational for ANRA (FERMA RIFT) and AGERS, and in preparation for GvnW and FINNRIMA
We agreed CPD licences with two commercial partners: FERMA/Lloyd’s Development Programme and AIG Academy.
- Half the certified risk professionals can now record online points for their attendance to risk management education activities.