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Join us on the 6 June from 16:00-17:00 CET at our latest webinar: circular economy and its impact on risk management.


Circular economy is the most effective way towards a low carbon and climate friendly future. Now more than ever companies need to diversify their product portfolios in order to increase their resilience and eliminate dependencies on scarce resources. The transition to a circular economy is already underway, although progress varies greatly by region and sector. The circular economy will have big implications for risk and insurance, as businesses move to more sustainable products and business models.


Circular economy is a growing movement that is closely aligned with a number of today’s big risk challenges, including the transition to ESG and supply chain risk. Risk managers will need to understand the concepts of the circular economy and appreciate what it could mean for their organisation over the coming decades.  Risk managers have an important role to play in helping their organisations explore the risk and liability implications of new business models, materials and technology, and help them avoid unintended consequences as they transition to a circular model.

Meet the speakers: 

  • Scott Toland, Chief Underwriting Officer, EMEA
  • Jelena Buha, Global Practices Leader, Zurich Resilience Solutions
  • Penny Seach, Group Chief Underwriting OfficerZurich Insurance
  • Pavlina Pavlova, PhD, University of Applied Sciences & Arts FHNW, Sustainable Business and Circular Economy
  • Moderator: Valentina Paduano,  FERMA Board Member, Chair of the Sustainability Committee and Chief Risk & Compliance Officer at Dedalus Group, ANRA (Associazione Nazionale dei Risk Manager e Responsabili Assicurazioni Aziendali) Board Member.


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