
A new gadget, free for FERMA members at the Stockholm Forum, will vanquish the usual curse of the successful conference – a thick wedge of business cards that need to be typed into your address book and a big bag of literature to carry back.  

The JLT ClikIN is sponsored by the JLT International Network


On registration, members will receive the JLT ClikIN device, preloaded with their personal details so they can:

  • Exchange virtual business cards with other Forum participants with the touch of a button. Contact details can be down loaded later into an address book or email service by USB connection.
  • Collect digital content, such as pdf brochures, by clicking on the posters displayed at the exhibition booths. Again, the content can be downloaded later by USB connection.

Difficulties with your device?


Useful information and assistance is available via



Full instructions will be given at the Forum and in the programme brochure.

The JLT ClikIN is sponsored by the JLT International Network.