rimap® resources

Exam study materials

Four sets of learning materials developed by FERMA’s team of risk experts are available online following enrolment. FERMA has developed a series of four books to help the candidate study the first four blocks of the Body of Knowledge.

The four books are:

PrepCourse key benefits

The FERMA rimap® Preparatory Course is a six-day course aimed at equipping participants to prepare for FERMA rimap® Risk Management certification. Given the demanding nature of balancing work and other obligations, mastering exam preparation can be quite the task. This Preparatory Course steps in to provide the necessary guidance and support to excel!

The FERMA rimap® Preparatory Course focuses on the key areas in the Body of Knowledge. It helps participants get ready for the exam by giving them specific preparation, useful tips, and mock exams. This course is available online to everyone and can also be tailored for in-house delivery. If your organization is interested, please feel free to reach out.

It offers the framework, tools, and guidance from the rimap® Steering Committee that are essential for your success!

To register, please go our platform. After registration, you will find there:

  • rimap® books
  • Training materials
  • Links for the online classes
  • Access to register for the Rimap exam

PrepCourse Application Process

Sign up at the rimap® platform, complete the payment process, and you are ready to start!


  • Up-to-date CV
  • Evidence of payment of certification and/or FERMA association membership fees

PrepCourse Fees

The Preparatory Course is a six-day course followed by an exam day. You can take this exam on this day or on any other exam day within a year.

FERMA Member(1) Non-FERMA Member(2)
PrepCourse €800 €1000
Examination €300 €450

Note : FERMA is a non-profit organisation

  1. FERMA member fee applies to risk managers belonging to one of the 23 FERMA member associations.
  2. Find the closest FERMA member risk management association here.