FERMA members are of the view that the NIS Directive has raised the bar on data and systems security in some EU businesses.
But as this year has shown, the EU must strive to ensure a state-of-the-art response reflecting the needs for increased cybersecurity.
This EU-level response should focus on increasing preparedness at national and Union level by building up robust capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to and mitigate cyber threats in times of crisis.
In our comments submitted to the European Commission, FERMA calls upon the EU to consider the following:
- place a greater emphasis on the risk management approach to boost cyber resilience
- expand the scope of the NIS Directive so that all industries have the same baseline data and systems security
- give further consideration to the building up of financial capacity to help shoulder future catastrophic events
Indeed, the consideration of the NIS Directive review is timely in European Cybersecurity Month, the EU’s annual campaign to promote cybersecurity.
For more, please read our FERMA’s comments for the review of the NIS Directive 2020.10.02 that was submitted as part of our consultation response on 2 October, 2020.