AGERS awards the INADE Foundation with a DISTINCTION for its drive towards best Risk Management Practice
On the 18th of December, at the Great Royal Madrid Club, the Spanish Association of Insurance and Risk Management (AGERS), awarded its annual DISTINCTION to the INADE Foundation, Atlantic Institute of Insurance, in recognition of its work in recent years aimed at spreading awareness of Risk Management.
The DISTINCTION ceremony began with Juan Carlos López Porcel, Vice-president I of AGERS and Director of Risk and Insurance at Arcelormittal Spain. He thanked the AGERS board members, committees, work groups, regional managers, professionals and representatives of companies linked to Risk Management for their presence, especially Raúl Casado García, Sub Director General of Insurance Market Planning. Amongst the attendees were several members of the INADE Foundation: Antonio Cobián Varela, President of the Board of Trustees, José Antonio Pérez Crujeiras, Member of the Board of Trustees, Adolfo Campos Carballo, Director General, Modesto González Rodríguez, General Coordinator, and Iria Faginas Pérez, Head of the Press Office.
Adolfo Campos, who was responsible for setting up INADE, the Atlantic Institute of Insurance, in 1999, and the driving force behind the INADE Foundation project, addressed the audience with a short, moving summary from its creation and how a non-profit organisation became the corporate entity in 2008.
He ended his speech by offering a motivating solution to current issues through the creation of “RH+” professionals (Responsible, Honest and Positive).
The INADE Foundation aimed at creating an insurance culture and exposing the concept of risk management, becoming living proof of the commitment to spreading the word of risk management to the Spanish public.
In 2009, the INADE Foundation reformed its founder’s legacy by strengthening growing activities in different areas: News, through regular events such as “Breakfast with INADE” or the “INADE Forum”, Training, with the “INADE Classroom” and the Documentation and Social Action Centre, with the presentation of the “Galician Insurance Awards” or the “Integration Pathway”.
Finally, Gonzalo Iturmendi Morales, Secretary General of AGERS and Director of Bufete G. Iturmendi and Associates, presented the DISTINCTION to Antonio Cobián Valera, who collected the award on behalf of the INADE Foundation, for the achievements made in their research work, the drive of best practice and raising awareness of Risk Management and Insurance.
In closing the ceremony, Juan Carlos López Porcel once again congratulated the INADE Foundation for such a deserved DISTINCTION and gave the attendees, the Risk Management world and the general public a message of seasonal greetings and best wishes for a prosperous new year.