FERMA is thrilled to welcome RVA as a new member, the Lithuanian Risk Management Association.
The Lithuanian Risk Management Association has become a member of FERMA. This brings FERMA’s membership to a total of 23 national risk management associations in 22 European countries.
Amazed by the power and excellence of the European risk managers at the FERMA Forum 2022 in Copenhagen, Rytis Salys, Justinas Archipovas and Tadas Cilcius decided to re-energise the risk management community in Lithuania. That’s how RVA was founded 6 months ago.
The primary objective of RVA is to represent Lithuanian Risk Management professionals, provide learning and education about the discipline, and connect with relevant stakeholders in both the private and public sectors.
Charlotte Hedemark, the President of FERMA, said: “I am delighted to welcome Lithuania to FERMA. In uniting with RVA, FERMA amplifies the collective voice of European risk management professionals. Together, we elevate the standards of our profession, fostering its growth and attracting new talents across Europe. Through collaboration, FERMA champions the interests and expertise of our members at the European level, driving advocacy, knowledge sharing, and professional development.”
“For RVA, joining FERMA means being able to share knowledge and experience with Risk Managers from all over Europe. We are thrilled to offer our members access to the prestigious RIMAP Certification and we look forward to joining the working committees and bringing inspirational speakers to FERMA events.”

Discover more about RVA on its LinkedIn page here