FERMA and Lloyd’s offer a free professional development programme for talented risk managers with three to five years experience.
Three two-day sessions in 2014-5 with high level market speakers, starting on 24/25 April 2014, to include:
- Insight into emerging risks
- A view of Lloyd’s and its approach to risk appetite and management
- Exposure and performance management
- International insurance regulation
- Claims management
- Networking opportunities with underwriters, brokers and other risk managers
Costs: There is no charge for the training. Lloyd’s will provide presenters, venue and meals during the sessions. Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and incidental expenses.
Candidate requirements:
- Three to five years of risk management experience,
- Risk manager member of a FERMA association,
- Written and spoken business English skills.
Send applications with a cover letter and current biography to Véronique De Hertogh, at veronique.dehertogh@ferma.eu
Closing date for applications: Friday 28 February