
Frederic Lycops, Risk & Insurance Advisor, FedEx Corporation – BELGIUM

”I see rimap as an investment, not only in my career and my future as a risk professional but also as an investment for the company I work for. It is proof to internal and external stakeholders that people who work within risk management in the company have a certain standard and knowledge of principles of risk management.”


Georgi Aleksov, Senior Risk Consultant, Marsh EOOD – BULGARIA

“To any colleague considering taking Rimap certification, I would say: Go ahead! Rimap is going to be recognised as a professional certification all over the world.”


Nataliya Todorova, Head of Insurance, Save the Children International – UNITED KINGDOM

 “Embrace the challenge and test your knowledge.”

“The examination is especially valuable for risk managers who do not have other formal qualifications in risk management because it takes their experience into account.”


Roberto d’Ambrosio, CEO, Alpari Research & Analysis – MALTA

“Certification from a European body is important everywhere around Europe.”

“Taking the rimap certification is a challenge but the rewards are worth it.”


Sebastian Bregning, Senior Risk Manager, A. P. Moller – Maersk A/S – DENMARK

 “Overall, rimap is very relevant and valuable because it gives risk managers a common reference point when we talk to each other and even with people in the insurance industry. It is a good benchmark from which to drive the risk management agenda across the organisation and industry.”

“There is increasing demand from risk managers to create value and that value is not limited to savings on the insurance budget. Rimap provides a vocabulary and framework so that we can be efficient in communicating our intentions and expectations.”


Cristina Gutiérrez, Risk Management Advisor, Recreativos imar – grupo famai – risktorisk – SPAIN

“Rimap certification adds value for any risk professional; this is especially true for young people who want to begin a career as risk managers.”

“Rimap adds passion and a better understanding of how wonderful this activity of risk management is.”

“Rimap certification is the next step you should take for empowering yourself and for boosting your career, so just go ahead! Rimap gives you enhanced visibility in the industry, in your country and in Europe. It is definitely a sound investment.”