
Jorge Luzzi

Jorge Luzzi


We just have finished a very exciting year, full of challenges, but also full of achievements. Among the high points was the wonderful seminar in Versailles. This was the first time that FERMA had a major event in France and it meets our objective of bringing FERMA activities to the biggest economies in Europe.

This already promises to be an interesting and exciting year for FERMA. The FERMA Forum in Maastricht in the Netherlands, starting on 29 September, when we can all meet, is a very special occasion, but there are many other activities throughout the year. Details will be on the website and in the newsletter.

My aim as President is to involve you, our members, in these activities as much as possible, by listening to your views or by getting your active participation. You can let me know your comments through your association or direct via our executive manager Florence Bindelle at

We are also asking for your comments on this newsletter, so it is as informative and useful as possible for you. Please answer our readership survey which you can find below.

I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous 2013. I hope I will meet many of you.

Jorge Luzzi