Lyon may not be the place that quickly springs to the mind of most foreigners planning a trip to France. This city in eastern central France is, however, a major centre for banking, chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries. It has a significant software industry and a growing local start-up sector. Lyon is also famous for gastronomy.
It is here that more than 1500 risk professionals will meet between 6 and 8 February for the conference of the French risk management association AMRAE, the annual Rencontres. AMRAE welcomes risk managers from outside France to the Rencontres and not just French speakers. English is the language for a good proportion of the sessions.
The theme this year is economic growth, for as the President of AMRAE, Gilbert Canameras, states: “It has escaped no one that the question of growth is at the heart of national and international debates, and the major concern of our businesses.”
For more information and to register, see Rencontres AMRAE 2013 (in French) or contact Bénédicte De Luze