
Christel Jaumoulle has joined FERMA as project assistant to succeed Florence Reculez. She will be working with Florence Bindelle on many of FERMA’s growing number of projects.


After a baccalaureat in political sciences, Christel took a master’s degree in political sciences, international relations, and followed with studies in international trade. She has studied in the United States and Poland and did a business internship in China. In addition to fluent English, Christel speaks Flemish and Mandarin.

She said: “I am delighted to be working with an organisation that is so international and that is also at the heart of the European Union in Brussels. I look forward to meeting many FERMA members especially at the seminar in October.”
Her email address is

Christel Jaumoulle

Christel Jaumoulle

Her telephone number is +322 7619 432

Silke has returned to her home country Austria for a new job but she will continue to work with FERMA to organise the October seminar. FERMA executive manager Florence Bindelle said: “We are grateful to Silke for her excellent work over the past year and a half. We are sorry to lose her but we understand her wish to be closer to her family and we are happy she will continue to work with us on the seminar.”