As cases of coronavirus (COVID19) spread in Europe, risk management associations are compiling information and advice for their members. FERMA is supporting the associations by communicating the initiatives across its network of 21 members.
FERMA board member Gaëtan Lefèvre said: “FERMA is helping to insure that all the associations in the network are aware of the work of other members, so they can gain from each other’s knowledge and experience. We will also organise a webinar on the lessons they have learned after the event. This is not the first influenza epidemic to affect Europe and it will not be the last.”
According to Lefèvre, who is co-chairing the crisis management team of his company, getting good information is critical for the risk manager, and no single source is complete. He mentions the most useful: official communications, specialist organisations such as International SOS, and the company’s own people in country. Other risk management associations can give examples of experience and good practice.
This means that European companies with mature risk management will have a permanent crisis management plan in place that can be adapted for the type of event, whether it is epidemic or natural catastrophe. The risk manager is likely to be the coordinator of the crisis management committee, which may be led by the director of human resources or another high level executive. Managers can be drawn into the committee from different functions or territories according to the nature of the event.
Useful documents and links shared by our national associations in:
- Executive summary 26/2 from International SOS
- Key issues edited by a Chinese law firm (see topic as “force majeure”)
- Mail and link from International SOS with a pocket guide
- Mail and link from AMRAE
AMRAE has an active taskforce continuously updating and posting articles in their dedicated library:
Alessandro De Felice, president of ANRA, analyzes the situation when the epidemic arrived in Europe. Companies that have adopted a risk management system will have fewer consequences (interview in Italian):
Infecting the Italian industry by Alessandro De Felice , President of ANRA
News emailing shared with our German risk management association, GVNW members
Other useful links:
International SOS:
International SOS has been supporting Risk management associations around the world in the dissemination of medical and security information to their members. As the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve at a rapid pace, our medical and security teams are working around the clock assisting travellers and providing updates on the latest status and best-practice advice. Please find latest resources containing information to help support business continuity and policies to keep traveling employees safe: these resources include expert videos, frequently asked questions and constantly updated information.
IRM with a link to the official UK government advice:
The coronavirus underlines the need for companies to focus on risk competitiveness as well:
Specific Industry Risk related webinars are organised:
International SOS – A spotlight on Europe: Tuesday 3 March
European Commission
FERMA urges European Commission to use lessons from current pandemic for effective risk management of future events and to support public-private partnerships to increase funding. Read full letter here.
World Health Organisation