
Véronique De Hertogh

Véronique De Hertogh


For me it’s been a busy summer as all the work we’ve been doing to prepare for the Forum has come together. One of the most important jobs has been putting together the content for the printed programme. This has meant collecting descriptions, final speaker confirmations, maps and images, checking the listed timings and occasionally having to change them.

It’s amazing how much information is needed to make all activities fit together. I’m now producing the event ‘scenario’; like a movie, we need a script. I just hope we will have a real block buster!

I’ve also managed to arrange a special discount on all Brussels Airlines flight to Brussels; in addition to our shuttle buses, this is just a perfect combination. You can be sure that Maastricht will be easily accessible.

And last but not least, I’ve been coordinating promotional activities with our media partners, such as placing our advertisements, arranging listings of the Forum on their websites and organising the display of publications on site.
We’ve had an unprecedented amount of media interest in the Forum this year, and we should have an excellent selection of risk-related magazines and papers available for free on site.

These are just a few of the tasks involved in the complex business of organising a successful international event. It’s my first Forum, so please come and say hello to me on the FERMA stand. I look forward to meeting you.

The full programme and online registration are on the FERMA Forum 2013 website

FERMA Forum 2013