

Véronique De Hertogh

Véronique De Hertogh

I’ve been in the event industry for quite a few years now and I still love this image. You’re on a platform waiting for the train. At first it’s just a humming far away, then it becomes a vibration, a whistle at close range and without realising, you see it coming at full speed, passing you by in a minute. Soon it’s just a point on the horizon.

The Forum is my train. I’m checking what’s going in my trunk:

  • Venue, nice and neat!
  • Hotels, a few more offers available!
  • Transport, new lines operating from Maastricht!

My huge case is almost ready: 85 percent of the exhibition booked, 32 sponsors in. It is all so promising.

But there are still many points to go through before I catch the train. How are the Dutch caterers going to take the challenge after the renowned French cuisine in Versailles? No doubt they will add their own spices! How is the Market Place going to look? Which activities are we going to plan? Which speakers will be present and when?

The Forum Committee is meeting in a few days and I’m expecting their decisions about the workshops and talk leaders. I will tell you more about the programme in the next newsletter. In the meantime, I must come up with a plan to promote the Forum so we reach our target of 1500 participants.

Don’t miss our event trailer and the video from Maastricht Convention Bureau when the Forum website opens; it will be very soon. You’ll just want to jump on that Maastricht train!

Did you know?
As from 25 March, Maastricht will have its own airline. This new company will operate to three destinations: Amsterdam, Berlin and Munich. Maastricht Airlines is targeting the whole area, including Belgium and Germany. More ways to join us at the Forum!

Veronique De Hertogh
Project Manager