
ERMA logoEnterprise Risk Management Association of Turkey (KRYD,, has been established, in 2009, in order to support and develop the Risk Profession in Turkey especially for the real sector businesses. This young association is working for raising awareness for the profession, risk management disciplines and governance as well as for creating  a network amongst the professionals for support, know-how transfer, etc.

This year, as we are celebrating our 5th year anniversary, we have designed our annual event around a Risk Discussion titled “Global Risks, Local Impacts and How We Manage?”. Our speakers, listed below, will start the discussion at the Global level and further narrow it to a Company Level:

  1. Prof. Dr. Burak Saltoglu – Systemic Risks / Global Risks (post crisis USA, EU, Asia and effects on TR + existing and emerging risks)
  2. Dr. Wolfango Piccoli – Geopolitical Risks – Global and Regional and also at the TR level
  3. Harold Dorbin – what Macro and other factors play a role in the “Go” “No-Go” decisions, given the Energy and Construction driven economy in TR
  4. Julia Graham (FERMA President) – Global Risks as they shape the Insurance Market; Europe’s perspective on Risk, including Insurable Risks given the recent developments with Climate Change, etc.


 I ask you to kindly consider our invitation for this event, which will kick off at 9:30 am on Tuesday, September 2nd 2014, at the Conference Hall of Milli Reasurans Co. located in Macka, Nisantasi.

For more information, visit ERMA website at or join us on Linkedin at Kryd LinkedIn group

We are looking forward to your participation. Please RSVP to Bircan Akdemir at or +212 335 3285.