
Airmic and AGERS have taken the initiative on global programmes. At its annual conference in June, Airmic unveiled Insight Risk Manager, the first compliance database designed specifically for risk managers. Created in partnership with Axco, the supplier of global insurance market information with the support of leading brokers, Insight Risk Manager currently covers regulations in 30 countries representing 93 per cent of the world’s property-casualty insurance premiums.

Access to Insight Risk Manager is an Airmic membership benefit, and FERMA will explore with Airmic ways of making it available to all member associations.

At AGERS, a working group has now published a 32 page report International Programmes that gives a broad view of the subject. Now available in Spanish, AGERS hopes to have the report translated into English soon.


Airmic - The Association of Insurance and Risk ManagersAGERS - Asociación Española de Gerencia de Riesgos y Seguros