The second FERMA-Lloyd’s professional development programme has concluded with the third of its three sessions and an award of certificates to the participants: promising risk managers from FERMA member associations. Initiated by Benno Reischel, Lloyd’s Head of Europe, and FERMA’s Head of Education Edouard Thys, the programme has been an enormous success with its participants.
According to Cristina Gutierrez, Risk Manager for Grupoimar, Spain, “Thanks to this rich blend of learning, enjoyment and networking, this is an excellent programme, and this isn´t only my opinion, but one shared with the other risk managers who have attended. We feel it is a unique opportunity to bring extra value to risk managers for both our professional careers and to the companies we work for.”
Massimo Gigliardi, Manager- Industrial Risk Management, Risk Assessment, Monitoring & Reporting, at Italy’s ENI, says, “I found the course was really well organised, both in terms of its contents and in terms of the extra activities. Having the possibility to have an informal lunch and a chat with Inga Beale, Lloyd’s CEO, and Chairman John Nelson was really unique.”
There will be an announcement at the FERMA Forum in October on the future of the programme. Edouard says that FERMA and Lloyd’s intend to keep it as up to date as possible.
He comments, “In my opinion this is a unique exercise, proposed by an insurer extending over two years. It is open to outside speakers, such as brokers, and is not limited to the products proposed by Lloyd’s syndicates, so the participants get an extensive view of the London and world markets. “
Among the topics covered during the three two-day sessions are regulation and solvency, international markets, emerging risks and risk management at insurance carriers, underwriting agencies and the Corporation of Lloyd´s. Participants have also been part of the working operations of the Lloyd’s market by spending time sitting on an underwriting box and shadowing a broker.
Massimo says, “I’ve personally appreciated very much the sessions with the brokers and the underwriters, since I’ve had the possibility to see a project of my company being placed on the market in real time.”
A natural network
Cristina adds that FERMA´s initiative to foster relationships between European risk managers is also a substantial element of the programme. “It creates a group of friends and professionals able to share knowledge, worries and experiences.”
It is a view Massimo echoes, “All the people I’ve met were both brilliant professionals and exceptional companions to share a drink with after the lessons.”
The benefits of the programme are not one sided, says Edouard, “I think Lloyd’s people appreciate very much the direct contact with risks managers. They do organise similar sessions for brokers in London, but each time they meet risk managers on the spot it is only for short presentations or underwriting renewal meetings or claims handling. These longer sessions allow a real exchange of views.”
Benno concludes, “I am delighted that in the past three years we have welcomed 45 risk managers from 15 countries who took this opportunity to network, share knowledge across industries, learn about the Lloyd’s market and get a valuable insight into the latest trends in the global insurance market. Lloyd’s brings together a unique concentration of specialist and innovative underwriting, and we created this professional development programme with FERMA to make sure risk managers across Europe can access this expertise.”
There will be a meeting for the alumni of the FERMA-Lloyd’s programme on 6 October at the FERMA Forum in Venice.