
When the first invitations to take part in FERMA’s 2014 risk management survey go out on 17 March, members will see a considerably simplified questionnaire that is easier and shorter to answer.

The survey project group led by FERMA board member Cristina Martínez is currently refining and clarifying the questions with the help of new and established survey partners, national associations and suggestions from other risk professionals. Its aim is to create a reference report for risk and insurance managers throughout Europe and a tangible basis for members to report to senior management.

Three new survey partners have joined the project to complement FERMA’s long standing survey partners, Ernst & Young and AXA Corporate Solutions. They are XL Group, Zurich Insurance and Marsh.

Cristina says, “We greatly value the contribution of Ernst & Young and AXA Corporate Solutions who have supported us since the first benchmarking survey. They are continuing to work with us while our three new partners challenge us to go beyond our established approach.”

There will be three sections in the survey each with its own working group carefully devising its 10 carefully considered questions with the support of three scientific advisors: Marie-Gemma Dequae, FERMA’s scientific advisor; Isabel Martinez, FERMA board member; and Julien Bedhouche, FERMA’s EU affairs adviser.

There will be an official translation from English into French, Spanish, Italian, German and Polish to encourage additional responses.

Cristina says, “Our aim is to produce a report that has lasting value for both individual risk and insurance managers and member associations to further explore the issues that the survey will highlight.”