
The Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) announced the winners of the Excellence in Risk Management Awards presented at a gala dinner held in Brussels on 6th December. These awards are part of the first European Risk Management Awards, organised by FERMA and Commercial Risk Europe, and honour four outstanding individuals for their achievements.

The winners are:

Risk Manager of the Year

Heljo Laukkala, Vice President, Corporate Risk Management, Metso Corporation, Finland (FinnRima)

Risk Manager Lifetime Achievement

Jana Bicanová, Risk Manager, founder and President of ASPAR CZ, Czech Republic

Rising Star of the Year

Pauline Davoust, Risk Manager, Gate Group, Switzerland (SIRM)

Innovative Insurance Programme of the Year

Michaël Dehert, Risk Manager, Brussels Airport Company, Belgium (BELRIM)

Discover our winners’quotes!

The President of FERMA Jo Willaert congratulated the Excellence in Risk Management winners, saying, “These awards showcase the role and expertise of risk managers. Putting a face on the profession gives it greater visibility and acknowledges the varied skills and experience of the individuals. In addition, these awards identify potential role models, encouraging a new generation of risk managers.”

Eight additional risk managers were highly commended in the Excellence in Risk Management awards.

Prizes were also presented for Excellence in Customer Service for service suppliers in seven categories and to two industry leaders. Jo Willaert told the winners of these awards: “We have a close relationship with our risk partners in the insurance industry and beyond. By rewarding those organisations that give excellent service and innovate, we encourage others to emulate them in the spirit of healthy competition. We look forward to continuing to work with them.”

Please click here to read Mr Jo Willaert’s opening speech at European Risk Management Awards Ceremony.

Other interesting links worth visiting:

  • Speech from guest speaker Mr Gérald Santucci, Adviser at DG CONNECT, European Commission here
  • Photo Gallery of ”European Risk Management Awards” Event in Brussels Plaza Hotel on 6th December here
  • Winners for Customer service categories here





Media Contacts

Lee Coppack

FERMA media coordinator, +44 (0) 7843 089904 and +44 (0) 208 318 0330,

Typhaine Beaupérin

CEO FERMA, +32 (2) 761 94 31,