Published on 2020-10-22
This year’s Virtual European Risk Management Seminar gathered 485 active Risk managers from Europe who attended online sessions for 2 days.
Monday 12 October 2020
Opening by FERMA’s President Dirk Wegener
Hard Market – Is Insurance now on the Risk Register?
Reconciling ERM and Insurance: Getting the best of both worlds
Back to Risk Financing Basics: What are the alternatives to insurance?
The Underestimated Challenge: Risk and insurance communication in a hardening market
Tuesday 13 October 2020
How Do You Define Your Exposure?
Closing by Laurent Nihoul, Chairman of the Seminar
Technology Exposure: Cyber ERM in the new world
Climate Change Exposure: How do we deal today with tomorrow’s exposure?
Supply Chain Exposure: How has the Covid-19 pandemic changed the global picture?